Joan Turró Calvet

Joan Turró Calvet

Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, 1957. At the moment, asessor of communication and director of Ràdio Vic and the monthly publication El Vigatà. He has university studies in Medicine and Journalism, without a degree. During the 80s he was the founder of Ràdio Voltregà-Emissora municipal and Osona Ràdio-Emissora lliure comarcal. He has been editor for the Europa program, on the European Union, for TVE. Also a correspondent-collaborator of El Independiente and La Vanguardia. In the last 20 years he has been director of La Marxa-Setmanari d'Osona, Televisió d'Osona (TVO), Canal Català Osona, El Vigatà Independent and El Voltegranès.